
The IDE with all the features you need, having a consistent look, feel and operation across platforms.

Downtime on Feb 9, 2021

1 minutes
February 9, 2021

Unfortunately, we ’re currently experiencing network issues with our infrastructure provider. Investigation from their side is on-going but we ’ve been hit hard by this as our sites are down for quite a few hours already…

We ’d like to apologize for the downtime.

We have been with the same provider for over 15 years now and we haven’t really had any real problems. This is the first major one.

Anyway, we were already planning to upgrade everything so this may be the best excuse to just proceed with our plans :)

For now, you get a taste of the new, simpler and (hopefully) faster website. The forums and Wiki will follow soon.

There’s a migration plan that needs to take place for the forums and Wiki, as those require a database to work. The new website does not need one and that’s why it’s already online.

Please stay tuned for the changes to come!

The Code::Blocks team.